Nijmegen Carbatina

A pair of carbatinae after a find from Nijmegen. Shoes of similar design are found not only in the Netherlands, but also in Germany (Xanten, Saalburg) and the UK (Castleford, London) and apparently were in use from the late 1st up to and beyond the mid 2nd century AD. 


  • Driel-Murray, C. van: Footwear in the North-Western Provinces of the Roman Empire. in Goubitz/Van Driel-Murray/Groenman-van Wateringe: Stepping Through Time. Archeological Footwear from Prehistoric Times until 1800, Zwolle 2001.
  • Volken, Marquita. Archaeological Footwear, Development of shoe patterns and styles from Prehistory till the 1600's. 2014