Mainz Caliga No. 2

One of the caligae type shoe found during excavations in the city of Mainz, Germany. 

The nailing pattern comes from another find from Mainz, caliga no. 1. 


  • Lindenschmit, Ludwig. Die Alterthümer unserer heidnischen Vorzeit Bd.4. Mainz 1900.
  • Berti, F. Fortuna Maris. La Nave Romana di Comacchio. 1990.
  • Groenman-van Waateringe, W. Romeins lederwerk uit Valkenburg Z.H., Groningen 1967.
  • Driel-Murray, C. van The Leatherwork from the Fort. in Cool, H.E.M. and Philo, C.: Roman Castleford Excavations 1974-85. Volume I: The Small Finds, Yorkshire Archaeology 4, Wakefield 1998. 285-303
  • Göpfrich, Jutta. Römische Lederfunde aus Mainz. Offenbach 1991.